Hebergeur web, nom de domaine, serveur VPS et serveur dédié - safozi

Clients' review :

Avis safozi

Rock Solid Cloud Infrastructure

Application Control

The essential filtering tool for your sites

Application Control

Application control is a security practice that blocks or prevents unauthorized applications from running in a way that puts data at risk. The control functions vary depending on the business purpose of the specific application, but the primary goal is to ensure the privacy and security of data used and transmitted between applications.

Application Control SAFOZI Cloud Tunisia Africa
Application Control SAFOZI Cloud Tunisia Africa

Application Control

Service to

5 DT HT/ mois

Installation costs 49 DNT HT

  • Bandwidth Protection
  • 99.90% Uptime SLA
  • Data center: la Kasbah, Tunis

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Our technicians can provide you with the best custom solutions in the market, no worries whether you are a small or large business.

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